A Better Way

-Divorce Solutions-


Equitably, efficiently and affordably while maintaining your relationship through mediation.

Office - (503)-673-2828 Email - ABetterWay.Divorce@Gmail.com

Are you thinking about a divorce?

Need help with asset division or child custody agreements?

Don’t have thousands of dollars to hire an attorney?

Want to avoid the fighting in court hearings?

Need a hand getting on with your new life after your divorce?


We are glad you are here....

We offer a comprehensive “Mediated Divorce” package that includes:

  • An individual intake session for both spouses with our Divorce Coach

  • Financial analysis reports on assets, properties, pension valuation, and marital property with our CDFA®

  • Mediated negotiation sessions to create settlement agreements for child custody, alimony and child support with our professional mediator.

  • Family therapy sessions when needed, provided with our partner Family Therapist*

  • A home value analysis with our partner Real Estate Divorce Professional

  • Lending options and application process for pre-approval if needed for home refinance or new purchase of homes after the divorce is final provided with our partner Certified Divorce Lending Professional

  • QDRO creation with an expert QDRO Attorney*

  • Divorce document creation for your county of residence with our partner Paralegal*.

  • Review of settlement agreements and divorce documents when needed with a Family Law Attorney* and/or our partner CPA*

The fee varies and is dependant upon the simplicity or complex situation of your divorce situation. (We partner with divorce professionals for some services listed above - see disclosure page and Meet the Team for more information) Minimum retainer required.

*Additional fees charged by outside service providers and third party professionals when services are needed.

Don’t need the full divorce package?

We offer pay-per-hour for all of our services



Mediation is an alternative dispute resolution method used to assist parties in negotiating a jointly acceptable resolution of issues in conflict using a third person called a “neutral” or mediator. The mediator helps parties to facilitate an agreement and the creation of a mutually agreed upon resolution to the problem. A settlement agreement can be created when needed in a case where a legal judgement needs to be approved and entered by a judge, such as a divorce, work case, law suit, etc. Can be hired by an attorney for Collaborative Divorce Practice or by an individual dispute resolution process. Fee by hour.


A Divorce Coach is specifically trained to help those going through a divorce process to manage logistical and emotional aspects of their unique situation. They can help set future goals and help make informed decisions in relation to their divorce. During a divorce people are emotionally charged and find it is hard to make good decisions, a divorce coach can help sort out fact from emotion. Just having someone to share the experience helps with feeling alone during the process. Divorce Coaches can also be helpful for people trying to move on from a divorce, starting a new life and adjusting to the changes that come with a divorce such as dating, financial responsibility, one income, single parent household..... A Divorce Coch can be hired by an individual per session or to facilitate a non-contested divorce process for an individual or a couple. Fee by hour.


A CDFA® is certified to gather the appropriate information on your marriage and financial situation. Calculate the marital assets for each spouse, determine the current and future values of any retirement benefits and/or pension amounts brought into or earned during the marriage. The CDFA then determines what amount, if any of the retirement benefits and/or pension each spouse should receive, based on years married and contributions to the household over the years etc. This information is put into report form, and can be used as a negotiating tool during mediated negotiation sessions or can be used by an attorney as evidence in a divorce trial. A CDFA® can also appear in a divorce trial as an expert witness but only if they have created the Financial Analysis for at least one of the parties in the case.

Fee by hour.


A divorce causes anxiety, worries about your future, trust issues, and destroys relationships. Not to mention hiring attorneys to fight on your behalf is very costly.

Using mediation and or collaborative divorce methods allows you to stay in control of your decisions while keeping your cash in your pocket.

Together you decide how assets will be split based on factual financial analysis reports and actual financial needs of the parties involved.

Mediation allows people to maintain relationships that would otherwise be destroyed. Almost all issues can be resolved in a civil manner if you have an open mind and are willing to communicate with each other.

A mediator will assist you through the whole process from data collection, valuations of assets, financial analysis reports, and mediated negotiation sessions to reach settlement agreements. We assist you with the necesary paperwork, so you can file with the courts together!

Less money out-of-pocket,

than hiring lawyers

You retain control over all your decisions,

vs allowing a judge to decide for you.

Skip the fighting in court

Less time to complete divorce

Maintain relationships through

mediation and therapy

Equitable asset division

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Divorce Options

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Mediated Divorce

  • In mediation, spouses work together with the help of a neutral third party to reach agreements that make the most sense after considering their actual family circumstances.
  • No attorneys needed
  • Encourages communication between you and your spouse.
  • Puts decision-making control in the hands of the divorcing spouses.
  • Settlement agreements are made between you and your spouse, no one else.
  • May use several professionals to successfully navigate the divorce process with you.
  • Keeps things private vs court hearings that are public.
  • The least expensive way to complete a divorce besides doing it your self.

Collaborative Divorce

  • A legal process that encourages both parties to work together from beginning to end. Before starting the process, both parties and their legal counsel sign agreements that they will not go to court and will instead determine the outcome of the case through negotiation.
  • Attorneys are required for each spouse.
  • A team is assembled consisting of the attorneys, a mediator, CDFA or CPA and a Therapist.
  • Can take longer than mediated divorce as more people are involved but normally less time than going to court in the traditional divorce process.
  • More expensive than mediation, as you are paying many more professionals to assist you from the start instead of as needed.

How can a CDFA ® help you?

A CDFA can help you by addressing your unique financial issues around divorce with data that can achieve more equitable settlements. Through the financial analysis process, a CDFA professional can help you think through the real cost of divorce and develop a realistic picture of your financial situation as you transition to a new lifestyle.

Is trained to.....

  • Provide professional support, so you know you have all of your financial “bases” covered.

  • Provide a rock-solid personal financial analysis for your future.

  • Make sure you understand the short-and long-term impacts of different settlement proposals.

  • Calculate Marital Property

  • Accurately valuate pension benefits

  • Facilitate asset division

  • Provide tax awareness on asset division

  • Mediate settlement negotiations and assist in creating an agreement .

  • Produce powerful case exhibits and financial analysis in the form of report and graphical representations.

  • Provide a rock-solid personal financial analysis for your future.

  • Make sure you understand the short-and long-term impacts of different settlement proposals

Can help you understand...

  • Personal vs. Marital Property

  • Valuing and Dividing Property

  • Retirement Plans and Pensions

  • Spousal and Child Support

  • Splitting the House

  • Tax Problems and Solutions

Mediated Divorce Process

  1. Phone consultation to determine which method is best for your situation

9. Court documents sent for review by family law attorney if needed

5. Meet with lending specialist for finance options and approvals

7. In-person mediated settlement agreement negotiations, may require several sessions

3. Use checklist to submit all required documents securley to Sharefile

11. Review and approved judgments ordered by the court.

-Bring in family therapist if needed

-Refer to QUADRO Attorney if needed

10. Documents filed in the court of the county of residence

2. Individual in-person meetings to gather financial, family, asset and marriage information.

4. Realtor assesses home value(s) and submits report to CDFA

12. Divorce finalization, removal of spouse names on credit cards, bank accounts, insurance policies, deed to home(s), retirement assets, other assets. Address changes, trust or wills, health directives etc.

See Final checklist

8. Settlement agreement drawn up and notarized, sent to paralegal for document preparation

6. Review financial analysis reports via zoom

-Refer to CPA or Forensic Specialist if needed

DeLynn Shogren,

Certified Divorce Financial Analyst ®, Investment Advisor, Collaborative Mediator, Divorce Coach

Click Here

Meet The Team

Bonnie Lawless,

Residential Real Estate

Divorce Specialist

Click Here

Jeannine Downey,

Certified Divorce Lending Professional

Click Here

Third Party Professionals...

Stacey D. Smith,

QDRO Attorney




Family Law Attorney, Collaborative Practice




DeLynn Dellarosa,

Family Therapist,



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We can do this together!

Get in

Office Phone - 503-673-2828

Cell Phone - 541-390-7262


5550 S Macadam Ave., Suite 110 Portland, OR 97239

How A Better Way Divorce Solutions LLC got started

DeLynn Shogren is the founder of A Better Way Divorce Solutions LLC.

She has been and continues to be a Wealth Management Investment Advisor for over 17 years. Helping people understand how to manage their retirement funds and plan for the future at Tradewinds Wealth Management in Portland, Oregon. She focuses on education for her clients to understand investing and saving so they can make the best decisions for their families. Her communication style and empathy allows her clients to feel at ease and can concentrate on setting and reaching their financial goals.

Receiving her CDFA designation and going through extensive training to become a mediator and furthering that training by becoming involved in Collaborative Practice as well as achieving her Divorce Coach designation.

DeLynn has always been interested in helping people and solving difficult problems. Feeling compelled to help people going through divorce, she started, A Better Way Divorce Solutions LLC. Using all of her experience and training to assist people in Mediated and or Collaborative divorce. There are so many people who need a divorce but do not understand how to do it on their own and/or may not have the funds needed to hire attorneys.

It didn’t take long for DeLynn to surrounded herself with a group of professional woman that were specifically trained in their fields on divorce practices. A Better Way Divorce Solution and its partners are made up of 100% boss-woman who live and work in Oregon and have made it their mission to help divorcing couples through what could be one of the most difficult times in their lives.

Delynn gives back to the community by mediating for Washington County Small Claims Court. She is a member of Multnomah Bar Association and sits on the Events Committee. She teaches classes for woman on investing, retirement planning, divorce and conflict resolution. She enjoys mentoring young woman and children to successful career paths and overall happiness.

Disclosure Statement....

A CDFA® is able to perform financial analysis, a Mediator is able to act as a neutral in a mediation session, a Divorce Coach is able to facilitate a non-contested divorce process and provide emotional support to the clients. None of these providers are able to provide legal or tax advice. They are not licensed attorneys or CPA‘s nor Licensed Therapists. Subjects to the clients obligations to pay the fees to the coach, mediator, CDFA®, either party‘s liability arising directly out of its obligations under this Agreement and every applicable part of it shall be limited in aggregate to the Fees. The client is aware that the client relationship does not represent as a phycologist, therapist, legal, or tax advisor relationship. Nor can or will A Better Way Divorce Solutions LLC ever offer legal or tax advice at any time. Any legal services, therapy or tax services will be sought at your own expense, separate from A Better Way Divorce Solutions services and or fees.

The client also agrees that the coaching and mediation results can vary and are not guaranteed. The client agrees that they are entering into coaching and mediation with the understanding that the client is responsible for their own decisions and results. The client also agrees to hold the coach, mediator and/or CDFA® free from any and all liability for any actions or results for adverse situations created as a direct or indirect result of advice given by the coach, mediator, or any partner service provider. The coach, mediator and CDFA represent s and warrants that it will perform the services with reasonable skill and care in accordance with the Certification Associations Code of Conduct and Ethics rules.

The partners and third party professionals listed on this website have stated that they carry the appropriate licenses and are in good standing with the appropriate agencies and states they conduct business in. A Better Way Divorce Solutions LLC does not accept any responsibility for any service or statements provided by a partner or a third party professional listed on this website or other outside professionals used during your divorce process.

Privacy and security disclosures are provided in your documents signed at the time you agree to a service agreement with A Better Way Divorce Solutions LLC.

Any financial investment products or management services or insurance products are only provided by Tradewinds Wealth Management after the divorce is completed. You are never required to use any of the partners or third party professionals listed on this website and may seek outside professionals at any time.